So what have I learnt over the weekend? There are lots of things in our lives that we can not change and make us uncomfortable, annoyed or angry... (weather, late train, cancelled event... etc...)
We can do 2 things... • Let these things ruin our mood, day, weekend... etc... • Or accept that there is nothing we can do about it and make the most of the situation...
So when my weekend away was planned, the weather forecast couldn't have been any worse... It said non stop rain for the whole time... I was soo disappointed and depressed about it as I really needed some relaxing time away... But then I thought... Despite the weather I will still be away, change of scenery, walking on the beach even in the rain is refreshing and if I can't do anything else I can still read a book or start to write mine so I started to think about things I can do to make the most of it...
Accepted that the weather will be unpleasant, and decided to have a nice time and make the most of it... So then I was looking forward to sit and read while looking out to the sea.... ...and then the Universe decided to reward me for choosing to be happy and the weekend what meant to be rainy all the way long became a lovely and sunny weekend with only half a day of rain out of 3 days...
So I haven't just made the most of it but got rewarded for my choice... And its ended up a truly soul nourishing and uplifting trip which I really needed...
So if you find yourself in a situation where there is nothing you can do to change it, accept it and think about what can you get out of that situation and make the most of it!