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When our triggers take over our lives...

Edina Kiraly

Once of my probably biggest trigger is NOISE... - When there are too many sounds at the same time, like TV, radio, people on the phone, too many people talking at the same time... sharp noises... or it can be something as simple as somebody cutting their grass...

Every trigger has it's own 'back story' why they trigger us... but unfortunately I still don't know why noise has such a huge effect on me sometimes... It can go from feeling uncomfortable to an anxiety attack...

I just want to share with you what happened today, to show how sometimes we let our triggers to control our lives without even questioning it...

So I was at the gym, and I really like listening to podcasts, watch different self-development videos while I am on the treadmill, because it feels like I work on my body, mind and spirit at the same time... I feel great in every level after a session like that...

Today it wasn't so straight forward... I went on the treadmill and put on the podcast I wanted to listen to today, but about 5 minutes into it they turned up the music at the gym and I couldn't focus on the podcast...

First I started to feel uncomfortable, then I started to feel anxious and angry to the point that I was ready to abort my gym session and go home...

But I decided to stay but just stop listening to the podcast... I was still annoyed, so I decided to go downstairs and carry on there as the music was a bit better there... (still wasn't able to listen to anything else...)

So I was doing weights, when I received a message from my partner, where he sent me a video which started with his HiFi system playing loud music... I got so angry, and didn't watch the video, instead I went into this terrible state to be angry at the whole world... What a good thing I didn't go home, as it would have really pissed me off if I went home to get some peace and that was waiting for me when I got home... In my head within a matter of seconds I made this into this HUGE thing where I just can't have a break from all the noise, there is nowhere where I could go for some peace, and how the whole world is against me...

But then a few minutes later a feeling made me get over the anger and watch the video in the end... and it changed the whole outcome...

The video had an actual cute message, him wanting to show me that he is eating nuts because he knows that it would make me smile....

That moment I suddenly realised that I have let my trigger completely take over and misinterpret a nice, lighthearted situation into something that caused me even more anxiety....

It made me so angry, because I THOUGHT he sent that message to me to make me angry but it was the complete opposite...

Because I was in a triggeded state when the message arrived, I looked at that message through my trigger and it escalated...

This is a pretty great example, how we can overreact to certain things, when we let our triggers take over control...

Pause and think before you react... Things are not always as we see them (or interpret them)...

If this resonate with you, and it brings back memories when it happened to you, when you overreacted and you want to know more about how to handle these situations, come and work with me and we can explore more about your triggers and how to handle them!

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